My oldest child (the 1st of 3 boys) turns 37 years old this week, what a reality check. Like the song says "children get older and I'm getting older to". Where did all the years go?
I have to tell all you young mommies and daddies try to slow down and watch those precious children grow or before you know it, in the blink of an eye they are out and on their own. God gives us these children with a clean slate and we are to bring them up the best we can with the grace of God and trust they will be OK. Trust they will love and keep God the center of their lives when they are on their own and for the rest of their lives.
Our society has changed . People strive for the larger house the two new cars and unfortunately the children are the ones that are suffering. Wanting stuff keeps both parents working for the stuff and forgetting to enjoy the reason they are working so hard.
Our society needs to go back to the days when just to have a home and a car to get to work was satisfying enough. Children came home to their moms in the house to ask how their day went at school, give them milk and cookies and send them out to play till dinner. Yes there are circumstances where the single mom has no choice but to work to support her children. I was one of those children. I would be considered one of the first " latch key kids" from the 60s. There weren't very many of us back then. I cant remember anyone for that matter. I used to wish my mom was home when I got home from school like my other little friends.
I think the parents now of days are missing it. They think they need to keep their child involved in this or that and their lives are busy busy busy. Children are happy with just having a parent that takes the time to listen to them when they talk and to be there when they need them. I believe that is what breeds healthy well balanced children.
In a day when all the gadgets are supposed to save us time its taking our time from our children. When your child wants to talk to you or wants your attention all they see is the top of your head looking down at a phone or the back of your head looking at a computer.
There will come a day when you will want to spend time with them and talk to them, but they learned very well from watching you and you wont get the time you are desiring like the song "Cats in the cradle" says.
I know this post is kind of hard but as a mother that has raised 3 sons, I have some wisdom on the matter. If I could go back I would do some things different. If moms and dads can change it now while they still can they will have no regrets later in life when their children get older and they get older to.